an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

2Day and 1Night Summit

You’re excited about the challenge to climb Mount Rinjani but only have a bit of time to spare? Then this 2 days & 1 night trek is for you! We start in Sembalun and trek through a savanna desert. Destination: the Sembalun Crater Rim, just a stone’s throw from the Rinjani summit. We have dinner with a stunning sunset gazing over Rinjani mountain. After a light breakfast we ascend Rinjani’s summit at 4am the next morning for an arrival at sunrise. Back from the mountain top we have a hearty 2nd breakfast before making our way back to Sembalun. Not for the faint-hearted! The 2 day & 1 night trek is recommended for experienced hikers & travellers that love a physical challenge

Wellcome to


Trekking Organizer

Itinerary Trekking Packages

2D & 1N Summit

Day 1: Airport – Senaru – Hotel

Arriving at Lombok International Airport, you will be picked up and taken to the Senaru Village Hotel for check-in. around 18:30 you will be picked up by our driver to be taken to bast camp which is located about 3km from your hotel, precisely in Sambik Elen Village, there you will get a free dinner with a local cuisine menu, after dinner is finished then you will introduced to the guide and porter who will guide and help you tomorrow morning during the trekking program, at the best camp we will give you provisions or explain what the program will be like for tomorrow morning until you return, here we will also ask about all the equipment and readiness and any shortcomings from other needs. After that, free program and rest. We will take you back to your hotel in Senaru.

Day 2: Hotel Pick Up – Bawaq Nao – Plawangan Sembalun

The second day after breakfast at the accommodation, you will go to Bawaq Nao using a pick-up vehicle then start the journey to Post I for 2 hours. Upon arrival at Post I, we rested for a few minutes and continued our journey to Post II.

Arriving at around 13.00 WITA, we took a short break while preparing lunch. After resting and having lunch, the journey continues towards Pelawangan Sembalun.

From Post III to Pelawangan Sembalun it will take around 3 hours plus the track starts to climb along the way. We will arrive at Pelawangan Sembalun around 16.00 WITA and start preparing the tent to rest.

Next overnight in Pelawangan Sembalun.

Day 3: Plawangan Sembalun – Rinjani Peak – Sembalun Village – Mataram/Senggigi.

Wake up early at 02:00 WITA in the morning we will start trekking to Rinjani Peak. Before the star climbs to the top firstFirst, participants will be given a light breakfast, coffee, tea and snacks, then bottled water and some snacks and fruit will be broughby guide, The journey to the top is very tough, uphill, sandy and quite tiring so we recommend that you go use glasses, mask, lip gloss,thick jacket, and flashlight to avoid the cold night air and dust while there journey. It is estimated that at 06.00 WITA we will arrive atthe peak and be greeted by a very beautiful sunrise. After that, travel Continue back to Pelawangan Sembalun. Upon arrival at Sembalun Crater rim, breakfast is waiting for you and after breakfast together go back down via the route yesterday it was passed on the way toSembalun Village. Arrive at Sembalun Village, rest for a moment, then board the transportation that is waiting to take you back hotel inMataram/Senggigi City. Program complete.

Price depends on how many people

Prices per person:

2-3 Participants = USD185

4-5 Participants = USD175

6-7 Participants= USD165

8-9 Participants = USD155

10+ Participants = USD150 + 1 free of charge

USD10 per person environmental eco sustainability fee is added to ensure that your trash is taken down.


  • AC transportation from Mataram/Senggigi Airport/City to Sembalun PP Village

  • One night accommodation in Senaru/Sembalun Village before climbing

  • Professional Guide and Porter

  • Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee

  • Camping gear (tent, sleeping bag, mattress, pillow, toilet tent, folding chairs and table, cooking utensils and eating utensils

  • Entrance ticket to Mount Rinjani National Park Area, insurance

  • Fruit, snacks, mineral water and warm drinks during the climb.


  • Airline tickets and airport tax

  • Tipping for guides and porters

  • Motorbike taxi from the area entrance to Post 2 Sembalun (optional

  • Dinner after descending the mountain (third day)

  • Accommodation after descending the mountain (third day)

  • Additional charge for private porter (optional)

  • Other personal expenses